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Our Projects


Mount Ida Press provides consultant services for historical research, publishing, editing, writing, and indexing projects.


Our projects have been featured regularly in regional and national publications, including the New York Times. We have received awards from the Association for Preservation Technology International, the New York Landmarks Conservancy, and the Federation of Historical Services. Since 1991 we have edited and published the APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology, a leading international magazine on historic preservation.


Diana S. Waite, president, founded Mount Ida Press in 1985. Previously she served for a decade as executive director of the Preservation League of New York State. Earlier she supervised the statewide survey, National Register, grants, and project-review programs for the New York State Historic Preservation Office and oversaw historical research for the state historic sites. Her work on regional history, architecture, building materials, and industrial archaeology has been published nationally. She is the author of The Fort Orange Club, 1880-2005 and Ornamental Ironwork: Two Centuries of Craftsmanship in Albany and Troy, New York, and editor of Albany Architecture: A Guide to the City.

Mount Ida Press

111 Washington Ave.

Suite 306

Albany, New York 12210

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